
DIY Bluetooth LED lamp

How I built a Blutooth-controlled LED lamp with an ESP32 and an Android application.

Photo of the led lamp displaying a picture of a colorful comet Photo of the led lamp displaying a picture of super nova




Lampshade, stand etc


You can browse the entire code base at github. https://github.com/miksto/BluetoothLEDLamp


https://github.com/Makuna/NeoPixelBus - the only library supporting RGBW leds AND using DMA (Direct Memory Access) i could find by the time.

DMA is preferred for efficient control of the leds, as opposed to bit bang and interrupt driven libraries which do not support any other interrupt driven code to work.

Android App

The android application does not use any special libraries, and is written in kotlin and relies on the standard BLE library for communication with the ESP32.